Saturday 4 April 2009

So it WAS all lies :-(

Doom & Gloom at the Dog & Duck.

In fact it's been quiet ever since the Council Tax bills arrived. Far from the cuts we were confidently expecting, they have actually put the tax UP for the fiscal year just starting.

This, despite the fact that they spent the second half of last year swanking about how they had been making savings of £2,889 per taxpayer (and that was before the Americans started making out that the savings from their little adventure were going to be pretty much double what Jonesy originally claimed). And despite the admission last October that they were sitting on a cash mountain of more than £5,000 per taxpayer.

Unable, perhaps, to break the habit of 5 years (or however long it is since Jonesy arrived), they even had the cheek to CONGRATULATE themselves for putting the Council Tax up, of the grounds that it was only by a few percentage points above inflation!

I suppose they couldn't help themselves - it's all that NLP (stuff to do with programming the mind - brought in to create Excellence).

Of course, we wouldn't mind if they were proposing to spend our money on matters of substance. Services for example. But those are being actually CUT.

All in all, it's more than our house style (cheap-and-cheerful, happy-go-lucky) can cope with for the time being.

So while we are trying to adapt to the changed circumstances, why not have a look at this delightfully silly little video about the Duck & Dog?

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