Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Who Pays Wins! ...

... is the motto of the"Special Excellence Service", or SES as some would have it.

Down at the D&D we reckon that this is in fact a load of bollox, as WE were the ones who paid for it all, and we most definitely did not win!

Anyway, for anyone who wants to see what the legal system does when someone without representation goes up against someone with unrestricted access to our wallets ... click here.

(WARNING! Link should not be attempted by miners or people suffering from high blood pressure, or indeed anyone who would rather that their illusions remain intact. Ed.)


Anonymous said...

I risked reading your linked document. It is a travesty of justice. It is a stitch up. It makes Robert Mugabe's judicial system seem (almost) acceptable by comparison. How can a quasi-court continue to exist when it turns legal logicv on its head....defendants are deemed uilty and have to "prove" their innocence first. Habeus Jokus.

Anonymous said...

please forgive the typos, I was so angry my fingers hit some of the wrong keys.

Anonymous said...

I also read the linked document, only got part way through reading it before I had to remove myself from the computer because it made so furious! not sure whether i will be able to bring myself to finish reading it.