Nice to see that there's going to be a "CrackDown" on a certain type of abuse (not drug-induced).
Until you read on and discover that this will consist of merely "investigating the cost" of the abuse. A hint of the official outcome of the investigation is even disclosed by a Government Minister, who says that "it is not acceptable".
In other words, all Down & no Crack!
As usual, here in Somerset we know the outcome of the investigation before it even starts. The answer, of course, is £200,000,000.
And the miserable yokels are still crying into their cider down at the Dog & Duck. Knowing that we will be able to say "we told you so" is no comfort at all.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009
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Did anyone else notice that the BBC have removed the reference to "Boomerang Bosses" from their article? It is rumoured that this followed a complaint from Somerset County Council ....
Does anyone at the D&D know what financial 'package' Somerset's former CE left with?
Sorry Anon - D&D not privy to such info. We also don't know whether or not the £140K was deducted from whatever sum was settled upon. Who knows, maybe Jonesy paid us to let him go to make up for all those lost millions? Anything's possible!
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