Monday, 28 July 2008
Why this blog?
We who live in the beautiful County of Somerset are truly blessed. Our rulers have been officially proclaimed as "excellent" by none other than the main man - Audit Commission himself. Elsewhere, paying Council Tax may be a pain in the a*se, here it is a privilege. This is something that is drummed into us every time we receive a communication from the esteemed organisation, whether by email, letter or fax.
Last week, however, a TV programme called West Eye View (HTV 24/7/08 7.30 pm) tried to shatter our comfortable illusions. Frankly the general topic didn't seem that interesting: something about the Council selling off staff to IBM. Big deal! Check it out at http://www.showofhands.co.uk/ (the Bristol Slaver, on Dark Fields), or read your history books. Selling people to the Americans is nothing new around here!
The TV programme had an innocuous title - "Public Money, Private Gain" or something like that (so what's new?). However the startling thing about the programme was not the content but the atmosphere. Spooky. While they did allow our Chief Executive to go on about excellence and even to mutter something about moving "Beyond Excellence", they also filmed an awful lot of squirming and blank expressions. Important people were seen throwing numbers around like a bunch of Zimbabwean Bankers.
The unanswered questions and "things that can't be talked about" led me to do a bit of googling. The results were truly appalling, a genuine 21st Century Cringe Comic Opera. I also discovered Google blogs, and decided to start one of my very own.
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Dear BE,
My, you are buzzy! Am I right in thinking that the hive is usually ruled by a Queen of formidable size and authority? Perhaps I have mis-understood the nature of things, but I am told that the male, the Drone, has but a single function, and that is to impregnate the Queen then die.
Drones that do not fulfill this function are usually dispatched by the workers.
pip pip
The excellence of which you speak was not obtained without cost. The nature of some of that cost can be ascertained by reading my blog.
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