The white stuff you can see is milk. Our intrepid milkman has been and gone. But if you look really carefully you can see some more white stuff on the top bar of the gate. This is not spilt milk - it is the snow that has brought Somerset to a standstill. Again!
The temperature is already an "icy" 3 degrees ABOVE zero, which everywhere else in the world would mean that the little dusting of snow you can see is melting as we watch. The wind is coming in at a mere 15 mph (admittedly it is coming from the North).
Daffer Jones, bless him, is still in bed (he always lies in when he's not at sea). This is just as well, as the Council's pathetic failure to keep the infrastructure open on Tuesday reduced him to tears.
"What would happen if there was a proper emergency?" he asked.
Good question - what would happen if there was a "proper emergency"? And not just in Somerset. I reckon the UK would starve in about a week.
You obviously missed this! never mind, no-one around our way noticed either - apparently they have a policy of only doing "A" & "B" roads.
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